Publications Related to CS2023

  1. Special Issue of ACM Inroads on Computer Science education in various geographical regions:
    1. Introduction
    2. The Arab World
    3. Australia
    4. China
    5. Latin America and the Caribbean
    6. The Philippines
    7. South Korea
    8. Sub-Saharan Africa
  2. Marisol Wong-Villacres, Cat Kutay, Shaimaa Lazem, Nova Ahmed, Cristina Abad, Cesar Collazos, Shady Elbassuoni, Farzana Islam, Deepa Singh, Tasmiah Tahsin Mayeesha, Martin Mabeifam Ujakpa, Tariq Zaman, and Nicola J. Bidwell. 2024. Making Ethics at Home in Global CS Education: Provoking Stories from the Souths. ACM J. Comput. Sustain. Soc. 2, 1, Article 1 (March 2024), 26 pages.
  3. Rahul Simha, Amruth N Kumar, and Rajendra K Raj. 2024. Undergraduate Computer Science Curricula: First-job readiness versus long-term career preparation. Commun. ACM Online First (January 2024).
  4. Amruth N. Kumar, Brett A. Becker, Marcelo Pias, Michael Oudshoorn, Pankaj Jalote, Christian Servin, Sherif G. Aly, Richard L. Blumenthal, Susan L. Epstein, and Monica D. Anderson. 2023. A Combined Knowledge and Competency (CKC) Model for Computer Science Curricula. ACM Inroads 14, 3 (September 2023), 22–29.
  5. Amanda Holland-Minkley, Jakob Barnard, Valerie Barr, Grant Braught, Janet Davis, David Reed, Karl Schmitt, Andrea Tartaro, and James D. Teresco. 2023. Computer Science Curriculum Guidelines: A New Liberal Arts Perspective. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (SIGCSE 2023). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 617–623.
  6. Adrian German, Marcelo Pias, and Qiao Xiang. 2023. On the Design and Implementation of a Quantum Architectures Knowledge Unit for a CS Curriculum. In Proceedings of the 54th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education V. 1 (SIGCSE 2023). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1150–1156.
  7. Rajendra K. Raj and Amruth N. Kumar. 2022. Toward computer science curricular guidelines 2023 (CS2023). ACM Inroads 13, 4 (December 2022), 22–25.